Eat THIS for Lunch to Maximize Energy and Fat Loss

Eat THIS for Lunch to Maximize Energy and Fat Loss

Eat This for Lunch to Maximize Energy and Fat Loss

For years I tried to lose fat the wrong way.

Don’t get me wrong, it worked…

…but it left me tired, low on energy, low libido…

And then any time I screwed up or let my self control lapse I felt like I would gain 5 lbs overnight

I think that’s what most of us do

And to be honest it’s not really our fault

We’re living in an obeseademic culture, and if you’re not fighting against it, you’re going to get caught up in it.

Between the ads, hyper palatable foods, and lack of movement it’s so freaking easy to gain weight.

You really have to become fixated on health or risk backsliding.

But I think that being focused on “weight loss” is missing a key point.

I like to ride mountain bikes. I haven’t done it in a while but I remember one of my first trips we were at the top of Lion Mountain in Montana.

And we were going downhill on this tight single track.

And one thing my buddy said to me has really stuck with me

He said,

“If you focus on the trees, you’ll hit the trees. Focus on the path and you’ll have an epic ride”

I think this holds true in our fitness

If the focus is only about weight loss, low calorie foods, and dieting, we will eventually run out of steam and end up “hitting a tree” in our weight loss.


If we can focus on something positive

It becomes much easier to stay the course

That’s why I fell in love with the lunches we created for The Million Dollar Body Method

They’re super simple

But rather than counting calories or buying the ‘100 cal snack packs’

We instead focus on ENERGY

What do you need to eat to have energy after lunch?

If you ask that question you get such a different answer than if you asked the question “how can I make this fit my macros?” or “how do I keep my lunch low calorie?”

For example:

With the first mindset you might pull a bun off your burger or have a wrap

With an energy focused mindset you realize that raw veggies, an apple, and some steak will give you energy instead of stealing it (even if you only had part of a bun)

The formula we use in the Million Dollar Body Method is simple

Lunch = Protein + Veggie

A lot of people eventually go to eating some berries, orange or apple instead of the veggies which is totally cool.

With this method you can get full without overwhelming your digestive system

I never knew this before but the reason you get tired after eating carbs is because they require more oxygen to digest

The only place we can get that oxygen is from our blood.

So our body pulls more blood to digest carbs than it does for protein or fat.

Thus, a slow down after big meals.

And most of us need energy in the afternoon - we don’t have time to just grab a nap.

So try this strategy next time you go to lunch.

Oh, and if you’re out at a restaurant, ask them not to cook the veggies in oil. 

It’s a good way to eliminate 200 low quality calories.

And if you’re looking to improve your focus and energy even more without ruining your sleep

Try the Deep Mind nootropic from MDB Labs for a stim free focus that you can take in the PM.

I designed it so that I could use it in the afternoons.

I’m very sensitive to caffeine and drinking coffee or an energy drink after 12pm completely fks up my sleep.

Give this strategy a shot and see how it can work for you!

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